In Colombia, females now account for over 30% of the tech workforce. At Source Meridian, women occupy 47% of leadership positions

The tech sector in Latin America has experienced a remarkable transformation driven by the rising prominence of women in the industry.

While still work remains, there have been material improvements. Since 2017, Brazil has seen a 12% increase in women working in the tech sector. It is Colombia, however, that has most stood out, with a recent report showing that women now account for over 30% of the country’s tech workforce. 

According to the report by Draub, the improvements have been driven by a number of factors, including:

  • An educational system with a strong emphasis on STEM education, providing women with a foundation to pursue careers in the industry. 
  • A growing culture of inclusivity and diversity in the tech sector, driven by initiatives such as the Niñas Programando program in the country. 
  • Strategic partnerships between organizations and businesses focused on advancing female in the industry.

One company taking a leadership role in this regard is Source Meridian, one of the largest employers of tech talent in the city of Medellin. Today women occupy 47% of leadership positions at the company, according to Project Manager and Product Owner Dani Gutierrez in an interview with Entrepreneur Magazine.

She credited the company’s founder, Mike Hoey, with mentorship being a key reason for the improved representation of females in the leadership team.

The executive also encourages other women in tech advantage of opportunities, even if they don’t feel ready, and to embrace new challenges.

She also highlighted that several studies have shown that diverse teams have better performances, as well as greater staff retention, which translates into greater profits for companies.

This article includes a client of an Espacio portfolio company
