2018 Presidential elections in Colombia

The 2018 Presidential elections in Colombia will take place on May 27 and June 17. We’ve got everything you need to know – who the candidates are, what the main parties stand for, what issues matter, and what is ‘voto en blanco‘. And if you don’t have much time, check out our two-minute election guide.

De la Calle is the Liberal candidate who lead the country’s peace negotiations with the FARC. Iván Duque, the Centro Democrático candidate, has been leading the polls, rose to fame as one of the leaders of the ‘No’ campaign. 61-year-old Sergio Fajardo has positioned himself as a centrist politician between the extremes of Duque and Petro.
Petro’s populist rhetoric has made him a surprise frontrunner. The former M19 combatant describes himself as a ‘progressive leftist.’ The former vice president and conservative politician Vargas Lleras is a strong contender to reach the second round.


See all the candidates side by side in a PDF of our printed coverage.




Presidential elections in Colombia: Our two-minute guide

The main political parties

All you need to know about voto en blanco

Social media storms

Vote-buying and abstention: Complications of voting


Election language

Our columnist Gerald Barr suggests politics just bring more of the same

A day at a Petro rally

The women in the presidential elections

Whitewashing political history: Colombia’s black president


From the debates:

First debate

Second debate

Third debate

Fourth debate

Bogotá debate

And online editor, Arjun Harindranath’s rundown on the candidates:

Iván Duque

Gustavo Petro


