A nightmare in Bogotá

Bogotá’s annual zombie march is a sight to behold. Photo: Laura Brinkley

October is the month for frights and shivers amongst zombies, ghosts and whatever other monsters you might encounter. Parties aren’t all that the city has to offer, Phoebe Hopson has some surprising Bogotá Halloween suggestions.

Festival de Terror

Various dates

If you don’t fancy dressing up but are in for a fright, Salitre Mágico is hosting the goosebump-inducing festival of terror for the second year running. Equipped with no fewer than five horror houses and 150 actors dressed as zombies and other creepy monsters, the event is likely to get a scream from even the most thick-skinned. If you’re heading down, make sure you aren’t dressed up and are over 13 years of age. You can buy tickets from Tu Boleta.

Calle 63 #60-80


Zombie March

October 29

Want to explore your darker side this Halloween? Why not join Bogotá’s annual zombie march? Starting at 11am, over 40,000 zombie aficionados are set to roam the city’s main streets in the spirit of Halloween. You can come already looking scary or get your makeup done at a designated stand. However, the event isn’t just about dressing up, as all punters are required to donate a non-perishable food item in aid of struggling families. Register via the Zombie March’s website and find out more information on the event’s Facebook page.

Carrera 6 #26, Plazas de Toros


October 27-30

Sometimes scary isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. For those who enjoy dressing up but aren’t that bothered about fake blood there’s the chance to explore your alter ego or favourite character at Bogotá’s biggest fantasy, gaming and comics fair. If you are new to the world of cosplay, the key is to go all out on your costume. (See feature here.)

Tour Fantasmas Candelaria

Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday in October

It doesn’t come as a surprise that the cobbled streets of La Candelaria are home to many a spine-tingling tale. The tour is guided on foot and lasts around an hour and a half. Expect to discover the dark secrets within the pretty colonial architecture and the stories of those who still linger. Tickets cost $35,000 pesos and include a drink to calm your nerves once the tour has ended. Sign up at info@aecolombiatravel.co or 3135725157 to find out times and the departure location.

Want to dress up like an apocalyptic solider and run around the city shooting zombies? Then be sure not to miss Survival Zombie this Halloween.

Survival Zombie

October 29

Quick! The zombie apocalypse has started and you are required to join in the fun at Parque Mundo Aventura! Get hunted by zombies and then transform into one with the help of makeup artists, if you don’t manage to survive. This is definitely one for action-lovers, as participants are encouraged to act out their death in the most realistic fashion. If you think you’ve got what it takes sign up at survivalzombie.co, it looks like dead good fun!

By Phoebe Hopson
