Independent worker’s visas: a question of degrees

“I was super frustrated,” said a colleague of mine after spending another four hours in the visa office to pay out another COP$58,000 on his second salvoconducto. “But then I looked at the crowds of Venezuelans waiting in Migración and I realised I was lucky.”

He has spent the last few months on the merry-go-round of red tape trying to navigate the new freelance visa requirements.

The truth is, many of us foreigners who live and work in Colombia are lucky. We don’t have to submit six months of bank statements and a letter from our employer just to get a tourist visa. Our families are not being split apart by insane and ever-changing laws that push mothers and fathers away from their children.

But the visa rules are getting stricter, and with that strictness has come an attack on the freedom of the press that may well have been unintended.

Of course, every government needs to control the people coming in and out of its borders. The issue is that the changes that have been made to the independent worker’s visa are costly and extremely difficult to comply with. It’s not just journalists who have been hit, it’s also designers, accountants, artists and entrepreneurs; a host of people with flexible jobs who have based themselves in this country, paid their taxes and made their homes.

My guess is that was an oversight in a qualification-obsessed country to demand that independent workers provide a certified degree certificate in their chosen field to support their application. And that that oversight has been amplified by a badly thought through bureaucratic process.

In fact, the degree certification process is so unwieldy and expensive that I haven’t found a single person who’s been able to complete it. You need to get your original degree certificate and result’s transcript apostilled in your own country and then sent to Colombia. You then need to get them officially translated and submit them to the Ministry of Education who can take between one and three months to rubber stamp it.

Several fell at the first hurdle: they didn’t realise they needed the results transcript and threw away time and money getting their degree certificates sent over. More fell at the second: they couldn’t get the document apostilled because some embassies won’t apostille results certificates, only the degree. Some tripped up by trying with a Master’s degree, only to find they still needed all their post-graduate documents as well. One, who started the process with what he thought was plenty of time, fell at the third sticking point: he couldn’t get his degree officially translated because it is written in Latin and amazingly there are no government-authorised Latin to Spanish translators. Still others are hovering at the final fence: eking out their salvoconductos and hoping that the Ministry of Education will give them the all clear.

But getting lost in the crazy minutiae of certifying misses the bigger point. You don’t just need a degree, you need a degree in your field of work. And many journalists do not have journalism degrees. Journalism degrees are actually a relatively recent phenomenon in some countries; many of my peers in the UK got their NCTJ (National Council for the Training of Journalists) certificates after finishing degrees in other topics. And they learned their trade on the job ­– interviewing real people, investigating real life – not in a classroom.

If you look at big names in international journalism, few have actual journalism degrees. Gabo didn’t even finish his law degree. Robert Fisk studied English Literature followed by Political Science. Kate Adie has a degree in Scandinavian Studies, Bob Woodward’s degree is in English Literature and History. Anderson Cooper? Political Science and International Relations. Glenn Greenwald? Philosophy followed by Law. Daniel Samper Ospina? Literature. The list goes on. And it shows that many of the most influential journalists in the world would not currently qualify for a freelance worker’s visa as journalists in Colombia.

Not to labour the point but Samuel Langhorne Clemens (aka Mark Twain), Ray Bradbury, Truman Capote, HG Wells, Jack London, Charles Dickens did not have any form of university qualification at all.

Colombia, currently the golden boy on the international scene, actively benefits from the presence of long-term international journalists. Some of the journalists affected by the new visa rules have by-lines in top newspapers throughout the world. They have acquired years of knowledge that you simply can’t get in a six-month stay. Colombia actively spends money flying in international journalists to show them the ‘new face’ of this traditionally maligned country. Yet three international freelancers who had made their lives here have already left. Two more are on the edge.

Put simply, if journalists are unable to legally pursue their professions, their independence is automatically compromised. How can they report honestly on corruption in Colombia when they can be thrown out of the country at the whim of any public official?

It’s true that some of the long-term journalists know the country well enough to be critical. Some are. That’s our job. And it is illegal for the government to try to limit that. That’s why organisations like the Foundation for the Freedom of the Press (FLIP) put out a statement this morning asking to meet with Migración Colombia and the Cancillería to try to find a solution to the problem.

It’s why we at The Bogotá Post are teaming up with Colombia Reports and Finance Colombia in pushing for a change in the law. We have filed complaints with the Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters without Borders, the United Nations and the European Union.

There must be other ways to prove one’s journalistic or other professional credentials – and I for one would like to see journalists that I respect receiving assistance to stay in the country. I think Colombia is all the richer for their presence.

Emma Newbery: Emma co-founded The Bogotá Post in 2014 with a mission to provide reliable information about Colombia for an international audience. She is passionate about providing readers with information they can trust on topics that matter. In addition to her work with The Bogotá Post, Emma writes about personal finance and investing for The Ascent. Emma started her career in journalism at UKiNvest 25 years ago, before taking a side road into the world of Olympic bidding.

View Comments (5)

  • Nice article - but this certainly isn't limited to journalists, although they are best placed to write about it. In an case has anyone found a way around this? Cheers, Rob

  • You might complain about Colombian requirements for a work visa, but those requirements are by far easier and simpler than requirements Colombians have to fulfill in any First World country we would want to work in... as you say, you are lucky you can enter our country without having to get bank statements and a visa at our consulates, show expensive insurance at the airport, show money, etc.

  • "The truth is, many of us foreigners who live and work in Colombia are lucky. We don’t have to submit six months of bank statements and a letter from our employer just to get a tourist visa." The point is you can't "live and work in Colombia" with a tourist visa... ;-)

  • Por qué no se van? Odio leer que estos gringos se estén quejando porque por fin este país está tomando medidas y aplicando las reglas que ustedes nos aplican en sus países de origen.
    Ojalá pudiese yo trabajar invirtiendo tan poco dinero como ustedes lo hacen en mi país.

  • This issue not only lies in not having a degree in your specific line of work but also that the ‘convalidacion’ system is beyond incapable of handling visa applicants in its current form. The information they require is badly explained, there is huge delays in processing the first part (a document check) of a two part process, response times are 30 WORKING days and they provide no means of tracking the process of an application processing times.

    I am currently sat in Peru waiting for the ministry of education, literally waiting for a response. The only communication channel which provides a response (I have emailed, called and logged complaints - all with not even a response or acknowledgement of receipt) is the online chat. All they offer is copy and pasted replies of legislated response times. I managed find out that they department is suffering delays due to many applications but they were not able to tell me if that means days or months