The Bogotá Post is going live on Facebook at 9pm again tonight, this time talking about Colombian sport.

Tonight on Bogotá Nights, our Sports Editor Freek Huigen joins Brendan Corrigan and Oli Pritchard to discuss the sporting side of Colombia. Write in to tell us what you like to watch or do in the capital, an underrated sporting capital. You might even learn some sporting terms in English!
Colombia has had somewhat of a golden spell in recent years, with double gold medallist Marianita Pajón leading recent charges at the Olympics, the men’s football team boasting an array of talent, and Colombian cyclists winning the grand tours of cycling. Then there’s tennis, where Cabal and Farah are doing well.
As dark as the 80s and 90s often were for Colombia, it threw up plenty of sporting heroes, so we’ll talk about the likes of Colombia’s second favourite Valderrama, El Pibe himself, as well as Lucho Herrera and El Scorpion himself, René Higuita.
At The Bogotá Post we’re fascinated by more unusual sports, so we’ll try to cover some of the lesser-known sporting disciplines. Did you know that Colombia excels at underwater rugby? That there’s a flourishing roller derby scene? That a San Andresano flies on ice?
And of course, there’s plenty you can join in with – Bogotanos love to play sport as well as watch. It might have been COVID-cancelled this year, but the Bogotá Media Maratón is a big deal most years, the ciclovía is always packed and a tejo board is always popular. Find out where you can go and what you can do.